Tuesday, May 14, 2013

The Truth

This article has quotes from the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society publications. If you are a Jehovah's witness and are afraid to read this article, I understand you. I was once in the same boat as you. I was afraid to read any material on the internet about my beliefs because I thought that I would be directly going against the counsel of the "governing body". I was also afraid that perhaps my beliefs would crumble, and then I would have nowhere to go to. But, reading an article like this helped me a LOT!!! It helped me to see and learn the Truth about the Truth.

The purpose of this post is to help me to jot down all the things that I've been through, and to help me paint a clearer picture on how what I've known as the Truth differs from all the other christian religions. At the same time however, you as a reader of this blog can benefit from all the things written. I hope that this blog also helps you to better understand the Bible and how the truth functions. If you are a Jehovah's Witness, or if you have been studying with the Jehovah's Witnesses, this article will help you understand all the steps you have been through, or have to go through. If you are disfellowshipped and would like to be reinstated, this article will help you to understand if it's all worth it. The best way to read this article is by continuing to read the whole article, rather than letting prejudices from your past knowledge hinder your ability to comprehend the things written here.


Jehovah's witnesses think that there are 3 things that are necessary for a person to enter into the "truth". The truth as they learn it, and the truth as they teach it. Those 3 things are as follows:
  1. Jehovah chose that person to be in his organization
  2. An open heart
  3. Humility
Have you thought of becoming one of Jehovah's Witnesses? Then, you should consider reading this article. Many Witnesses will tell you to avoid reading any material on the Internet about their beliefs.

The Watchtower Public edition of November, 2012 states the following: "The Bible has much to say about faith. Yet nowhere does it encourage us to be gullible or naive. Nor does it condone mental laziness. On the contrary, it labels people who put faith in every word they hear as inexperienced, even foolish. (Proverbs 14:15, 18) Really, how foolish it would be for us to accept an idea as true without checking the facts! That would be like covering our eyes and trying to cross a busy street just because someone tells us to do it." So, you should always check for facts.

This article has been written with a lot of love, unconditional love for you as a human being. My goal as an author of this blog is to save you a lifetime of heartache, separation from family and friends, misinterpretation of the Bible, and slavery to a religion that likes to control every aspect of your life, which includes the way you speak, act and dress, the place you work, your goals in life, etc.

The students of Jehovah's Witnesses come from every walk of life. They can be old or young, man or woman. They can be from any culture in the world, regardless of their previous beliefs. Presently there are over 8 million Jehovah's Witnesses in the world. It's a Marketing Scam. That was brought to my attention by a top executive of a thriving bank. That's like saying, 8 million Jehovah's Witnesses can't be wrong.

However, what makes so many people from different walks of life join this religion? What makes so many people abandon their families and go preaching door to door? What makes so many people refuse to look into the religion's history, yet dig deep into the Bible's history of the Israelites? What makes so many people believe the ideas of the Governing Body, even if they are contrary to the Bible? For example: Revelation 19:1 in the New World Translation states that the Great crowd was in heaven. The book "Revelation and it's Grand Climax" written by the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society, completely ignores the beginning part of that verse and just focuses on Hallelujah which appears at the end of that verse. Revelation 20 verse 5 states that the dead will be raised up after the 1000 years are over and be judged for their actions in their lifetime. While Witnesses believe that once a person dies, he or she has received the punishment of sin, which is death. Why then will they be judged a second time after the 1000 years? The Bible Teach books says that the people "must have been resurrected during the 1000 years" and then judged after the 1000 years for the thousand years they spent on the earth. But, that's not written anywhere. As the Bible says, we should not go beyond the things that are written.

Reality is that there are 3 things that causes a person to join this religion

  1. Rebellion - Rebellion from all the beliefs that they had learnt before, and that the family had in the past. Rebellion against family members and friends. Why? so that they can be different. Different from everyone else that they know to be average. That way they can have a name and belong to an organization. They can argue with family members and pretend to be smarter. In fact, it takes a lot of humility to recognize that what we have been following has been foolishness. We have been worshiping the Governing Body. How many JW's do you hear say Praise Jehovah? or Hallelujah?
  2. Stubbornness - Stubbornness in refusing to analyze the details of the new religion. Stubbornness in refusing to analyze the past of the religion and also performing any research. Stubborness in closing their minds and believing that they now have the truth. It is very difficult to open someone's mind if they close their mind's eye.
  3. Hypocrisy - Yes! Hypocrisy! Jehovah's Witnesses are filled with this. There are very few Jehovah's Witness that lack this, however, the majority are filled with Hypocrisy! How can you treat your Brother or Sister so nicely, and then stab them in the back? How can pedophiles abuse little boys and girls and not face any punishment by the organization, unless there are 2 eye-witnesses present? How can a witness love someone, and the moment they make a mistake, completely abandon them to die? Those are fake friends with love that's conditional. Jesus taught of love that's unconditional. He ate with the sinners. He was a Jew and he ate with the sinning Jews. He forgave the prostitute and healed the leper whom no one was supposed to touch.There are so many witnesses who live double lives.
Those are the best reasons I could think of as to why would someone be a part of the religion Jehovah's Witnesses. If you have any opinions that can give further insight into the Witness psyche, I would appreciate it.
If you dont understand any part of this blog, please leave a comment, and I'll clarify.
Issues with the "Truth"....

  1. The Governing Body..... JW's treat the Governing Body(GB) like they are God. Up until the year 2012, the Governing body along with all the anointed were considered as the "Faithful and Discreet Slave" (FDS). Then, in 2012, the GB decided to strip the anointed off their title of being the FDS, and made the anointed at the same level as the other sheep. Do you think that a group of 8 men can dictate what God thinks or wants you to do? Was there a Governing Body in the New Testament? You might say yes because that's what was taught to you by the Watchtower. In fact, there was no Governing Body in Jerusalem. Paul was going to Jerusalem because prior to that, 2 men from Jerusalem came down to Antioch and started teaching the church that circumcision was necessary for salvation. They had learned that from Jerusalem. Paul was going to Jerusalem not to report to a governing body, but rather to discuss with the elders and apostles (of Jesus) about the issue of circumcision. Look at the Bible book of Acts 15 to get clear guidance instead of the Bible hopping technique that the Watchtower uses in explaining the Governing body. There was another time also that Paul was called to Jerusalem because he was teaching that circumcision was not necessary for salvation. At that time, the elders and apostles of Jesus were accusing Paul, and he needed to ceremonially cleanse himself (Acts 21)
  2. The memorial....... have you ever been to a memorial yet? You can see the flesh and blood of Jesus Christ being passed in front of you, but you can't partake. A part of being the disciple of Jesus involved partaking of the Bread and Wine which were supposed to represent the flesh and blood of Jesus. Jesus showed his disciples both before, and after his death, how they were supposed to commemorate his death. They were supposed to partake of the bread and the wine, not just see it passing around while no one partakes of it. It's like a joke. By not obeying Jesus' command in regards to the way they are supposed to commemorate his death, they are disobeying him.
  3. NWT Bible...... The New World Translation of the Bible is a lost case. Several verses have been changed to match the Witness belief system. The words apostate is not found in most other Bibles. Several verses contradict the beliefs of JW's. If a person does a verse by verse investigation, they will realize that several verses don't match the witness teachings. They would also realize that the witnesses claim that the New Testament was written primarily for the anointed. If that's the case, shouldn't the anointed be the ones reading the New Testament? If the Bible was a loving gift from God himself, then that gift should be applicable to everyone equally. If the Bible is a letter to all mankind, then the Bible should say which parts apply to mankind, and which part to the anointed. But since there's no such differentiation, you can take the Bible and interpret it however you want, and apply it to whomever you want.
  4. Anointed...... If the holy spirit could show the anointed that they are anointed, cant it also show the other sheep that they belong to the other sheep class? After all, the other sheep also pray for the same holy spirit that helps in the fulfilling of Jehovah's purposes. The same holy spirit is also present at the meetings and when 2 or more are gathered. Instead,if someone says that they are of the anointed class, they are often met with ridicule, and people act like its impossible. Does someone HAVE to be a Jehovahs Witness to be considered as an anointed? If you are a Jehovah's Witness, I know you are laughing because its worse when a non-Jehovahs Witness says that they are anointed.
  5. Donations.... where does your money really go? Has the Watchtower EVER given a financial accounting to all it's members as to how the money is used? Every congregation has to give an accounts report to the Watchtower and the congregation publishers.... what about the watchtower organization? Or, is it that they are only accountable to Jehovah? Does Jehovah sit down with them in NYC and check their books?
  6. Pedophilia.... Instead of protecting children, the WTBTS focuses on protecting the pedophile. According to the WTBTS, a child needs 2 eye witnesses to show that a member abused the child sexually. The WTBTS believes that Pedophilia is a sin, but not a crime. And so the pedophile shouldnt go to jail. Instead, elders lovingly help the pedophile to go out more in field service so that he can encounter more children on the way.
  7. Holy Spirit.....Sins against the holy spirit are not forgiven. JW's say that the holy spirit is the active force of God. It's like electricity that Jehovah God uses to fulfill his purposes. Sin is something that is done against a person who has life, or who can take action. Can you sin against a wall? or against electricity? against water? Is it possible to sin against light? You can sin against God by doing something that the Bible says not to do, but can you sin against something that's from God? If logically speaking that were the case, then Sin against the earth, water, or air should also be unforgivable. But that's not the case. Hence, the Holy spirit has to be an entity that you can sin against, and the almighty wont forgive you for it. At the end of the book of Matthew 28:19-20, Jesus said for his desciples to preach throughout the world and make disciples in the name of the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit. WHY is the name of the Holy Spirit included with that Father and Son if it's only a force that the almighty uses? Would you put your name next to electricity? For example, would you tell people to celebrate your graduation in your name and electricity's name? Funny, right?
  8. No Blood.......  JW's believe that you cant accept blood transfusions.... well, sorta. You can take minor fractions though. You cant even receive your own blood that has flown out of your body. But, those rules have been changed by the society. So you can eat the raisins inside the cake, but not the cake itself. You can also eat the nuts, but not the cake. Where do the fractions come from? They are not synthetically made, they are extracted from someone else's blood. Can you eat red meat? Beef is a red meat, and no matter how long you wash it, blood is still going to flow out of it. JW's eat beef all the time. They eat blood!!!
  9. Prayer...... You can only pray to Jehovah for things that are in accordance with his will. According to the WTBTS, God's will for mankind is for us to vindicate his name, and to make his name known. To make his name known means to make the name Jehovahs Witnesses known, or for Jehovahs Witnesses to increase their preaching work. If your prayer is related to anything other than that, your prayers wont be answered. So if you have cancer, or want to have a healthy life, or want a child, or anything else that you believe only God can give to you, good luck! according to the Watchtower, your prayer wont be answered by God .